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Intelligent Ports is a server side TCP/UDP sockets proxy. Don’t confuse it with “Proxy Servers”. Intelligent ports need no configuration on client side. And clients can never detect that they are communicating with a proxy port.


Intelligent Ports let you open TCP and UDP ports on your server, these ports will be mapped to some local or remote IP/Service ports. Then you can apply a RuleSet  on Intelligent port you created. A RuleSet is a set of Rules to limit total number of connections, Connections per IP, Connection Delay, Reject connection to specific IP(s), Conditional and Dynamic tcp/udp routing And you can also specify a list of Load Balancer IPs which will be used as mapped destination . And all of these options can be activated for specific IP ranges.


Lets explain it using an example. Suppose you have http port 80 active on your server. Usually it is active on all public IPs to serve clients. To protect http port 80 behind Intelligent ports, Just move your service port 80 to local ip Then on public IP(s) activate an Intelligent Port (80) mapped to at port 80. That’s all, Now create a RuleSet and assign it to that Intelligent Port and start the Intelligent port. Now every connection will be first processed within Intelligent Port as per your RuleSet and if cleared then it will be forwarded to actual service port.


IntelligentPorts is designed to run on Windows Servers as a Service. It include a Management interface which can communicate with service in realtime and can start/stop/delete ports without restarting the Service itself. This provide total control and stability for whole process.